Booth number: R7.G38/19
About us
schneider+schumacher was founded in 1988 by Till Schneider and Michael Schumacher in Frankfurt. Our architectural approach is characterized by the enjoyment we have in finding solutions to the complex demands of today's buildings. Pragmatic poetry, nurtured not only by design clarity and a conscientious attitude towards the task in hand, but also by a delight in fine details. Within the Frankfurt office, departments for architecture, construction and project management, design and computation, urban design and building transformation have been formed in recent years in order to highlight the different areas of expertise under one roof. The spectrum of tasks ranges from museums to industrial buildings, from tree houses to high-rise buildings. Internationally positioned, further offices are located in Berlin/Germany, Vienna/Austria, Tianjin and Shenzhen/China. Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, Member of German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and Phase Sustainability, Member of Aktivhaus+ e.V.
Poststr. 20A
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 256262-62
Products & Services
schneider+schumacher stands for professional execution of new buildings, refurbishment, modernization and maintenance. Our focus lies on detail design, tendering, project supervision and time schedule, quality and cost control. Projects are executed and managed with high design quality in mind. schneider+schumacher has divisions with different focuses: schneider+schumacher Planungsgesellschaft mbH, schneider+schumacher Bau- und Projektmanagement GmbH, schneider+schumacher Design & Computation GbR, schneider+schumacher Städtebau GmbH, schneider+schumacher Weiterbauen GmbH.